2018 IP Excellence Awards

Welcome to the 2018 IP EXCELLENCE Awards Now in its 4th consecutive year, the prestigious IP Excellence Awards 2018 continue to provide recognition to those businesses and individuals who go above and beyond within the fields of patent, trademark and intellectual property. As digitalisation is now at the forefront of every business and enterprise, the importance of intellectual property has grown in response. With clients requiring support and advice on how to safeguard intangible assets and online information vital to their survival and development in their respective business markets. With this in mind, Acquisition International wishes to focus yet again on the companies, managers and funds that are pushing themselves and their clients to the top of the innovation and performance limits. As one of the most dynamically shifting industry, we would like to highlight the determination and commitment that the finest and brightest professionals the Fund Industry have to offer.

http://www.patentaxis.com/ http://www.clancybrionraffoul.com/ http://www.clancybrionraffoul.com/