Hedge Fund Awards 2016

Hedge Fund Awards 2016 47 ~ Best Swiss Credit Fund: Steli Fixed Income Opportunism Fund (EUR) Founded in 2004, BCM & Partners SA is a multi-strategy asset management which manages both UCITS and alter- native investment funds, and offers private wealth management solutions. Fabio Michienzi provides us with a unique insight into this exciting and evolving company. Both BCM & Partners SA, a member of the worldwide C-Quadrat Group, and our advisor Stelinvest SA have a very strong private wealth heritage. We manage investments funds dedicated to the private wealth manage- ment sector and our clients are typically small to medium sized wealth managers as well as our own private clients. The firms are also similar in that both invest mostly in securities utilising a careful process of top-down asset allocation and bottom-up security selection. The investment portfolio is finally structured by diversifying invest- ments in order to insure a correct balance between yield and risk and deliver steady returns through different market conditions. One of BCM’s flagship funds, the UCITS Steli (Lux) SICAV: Fixed Income Opportunities Fund (Eur) is dedicat- ed to the investors of our strategic partner Stelinvest SA in Chiasso (CH). Therefore it is managed following their investing philosophy: conservatively delivering long term returns above inflation while insuring stable performance even in periods of extreme volatility. The fund operates firmly within the UCITS regulatory environment and we firmly believe that superior returns come from superior analysis, not just from light regulation. Our clients feel safer investing in this environment and since they have trusted us with their money we are keen to ensure that our investment strategies are aligned with the philosophy of our clients, which ensures they are satisfied with the returns. Trust is a vital aspect of our work, and we apply this principal to our internal processes as well, only working with people we truly trust. We choose partners for the long term and expect a mutual effort to foster our work relationship through both good and bad times. The perfect example may be provided by the match met between BCM & Partners SA and Stelinvest SA. Moving forward it is our aim to offer dedicated fund products to more wealth managers. A pooling of resources between wealth managers and a centralised fund manager is the best solution to achieve at the same time superior returns and a tailor-made service for the final client. Company: BCM & Partners SA Name: Fabio Michienzi Email: fabio.michienzi@bcmp.ch Web Address: www.bcmpartners.eu/ch/ Address: Rue du Général Dufour 12, 1204 Genève, Switzerland Telephone: 00-41-22-819.40.73 BCM & Partners SA

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