Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2022

Acquisition International - Corporate Social Responaibility Awards 2022 7 Most Dedicated Fish & Seafood Business - Liechtenstein Bonafide Wealth Management AG (Bonafide) is in the business of driving blue revolution – “making it their mission to use the ocean’s resources in a sustainable manner.” Following the team’s success in the programme, we spoke with Marco Berweger (Managing Director, Head of Investor Relations) and Christoph Beierl (Sustainability Specialist) to find out more. Nov22102 There are few areas of sustainability on the global landscape more pressing and present in the collective zeitgeist than pursuits towards ocean-based sustainability. It helps to understand Bonafide’s mission with this in mind and focus in on the misconceptions that have defined the sector over the last 30 years. First and foremost, Marco is keen on addressing this misconception about the nature of aquaculture. “Aquaculture is not what it used to be 20 years ago. New technologies, in particular, have made it possible to monitor fish stocks around the clock - the most important step in detecting problems. Thus, when treating sea lice, it is possible to ensure a much faster intervention in favour of the fish & the production stock. Whereas in the past it was “normal” to use antibiotics in fish farming, today young fish are vaccinated and thus the use of antibiotics can be eliminated. Fish outbreaks have been greatly reduced by further development. “Sustainable farming in aquacultures is underpinned by the ASC or MSC seals, among others. The strict requirements separate the wheat from the chaff here. Risk analysis of industry-specific issues – such as fish escapes, overfishing, bycatch, etc. – is an important pillar for us when analysing companies. Here, Marco and Chris offer more insight into this endeavour. “Our investment process expressly addresses sustainability in four aspects. Starting with our focus on the fish & seafood sector, then our use of essential exclusion criteria and ESG ratings, to our continued commitment to the companies we invest in and exercising the associated voting rights, sustainability has a high priority at Bonafide.” “At Bonafide we are guided by a culture and set of principles that ensure that we never forget what our mission to be a driver of the Blue Revolution. We see our role as a pionier for global investments along the entire fish & seafood value chain,” Chris adds. Of course, it is one thing to drive towards sustainability through external actions, but it is equally important – arguably moreso – to be driven by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) internally. “We T are active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices. The intensive cooperation as part of the active participation between Bonafide and the invested companies offers the opportunity to create more mutual transparency and thus a better understanding of respective positions, a more effective exchange of information, and improved accountability. Bonafide’s ethos is only going to be more relevant as we collectively move forward into a more sustainably focused future. “Generally, it can be said that our sector will receive more attention in the coming years. Thus, we want to leverage our expertise in the Fish and Seafood sector with new product options. So far, we have been following the long-only equity strategy. We now consider including private equity investments to be the necessary support for growth for small businesses in the sector.” Marco explains. “According to the Report The State of Word Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 (FAO, 2022), many of the important inland fisheries lie within least developed and developing countries, where limited human and financial resources to monitor and manage such fisheries represent a major obstacle. At best, investments in such companies enhance global awareness and understanding of small-scale artisanal fisheries and aquaculture, and foster action to support its contribution to sustainable development, specifically in relation to food security and nutrition, poverty eradication and the use of natural resources,” Chris concludes. Company: Bonafide Wealth Management AG Name: Marco Berweger (Managing Director, Head of Investor Relations), Christoph Beierl (Sustainability specialist) Email: / Web Address: Address: Höfle 30, 9496 Balzers, Liechtenstein Telephone: +423 388 00 30 We invest in sustainable businesses along the entire value chain of fish & seafood to help feed the world and ensure food security while achieving attractive financial returns. - Marco Berweger, Managing Director