56 Acquisition International - Leading Adviser 2021 Acquisition International - Issue 1 2022 31 Experts in Judicial Recovery DASA Advogados (DASA) is a boutique law firm founded by legal professionals, Dr. Higino Antonio Junior and Dr. Carlos Roberto Deneszczuk Antonio, which specialises in judicial recovery, labour law, corporate law, fusion and acquisition, civil law, and tax law. Recognised by Acquisition International for its leading judicial recovery and reorganisation, we take a look at how the firm can help clients. Nov21238 ASA Advogados is a firm committed to its clients; providing personalised services of the highest quality, based on personal and trustworthy relationships. It is an innovative firm which treats each client as unique, always having a bespoke solution for each case and valuing the client’s choice. DASA has helped and contributed to the success of hundreds of clients who work in Brazil today – in a difficult, complex and demanding political-economic context. That’s why – when faced with the different challenges of survival, high competitiveness, and strategic and operational skills – DASA presents itself as a vital and fundamental partner for the corporate market. Experience, preparation and comprehensive vision come together with smart, bold and engaged execution. The economic situation in Brazil has led an increasing number of entrepreneurs to opt for a legal support which aims to promote the restructuring of their companies and avoid a possible situation of bankruptcy risk: judicial reorganisation. This is an effective way to prevent business failure by providing the company with conditions to recover from a situation that is out of their control, such as external crises, exchange range fluctuations, customer defaults, among others. Judicial reorganisation allows healthy companies affected by these factors to avoid bankruptcy and resume operations and, possibly, growth. In the agricultural environment, the situation has not been different. Rural producers with decades of experience in the market, in several states and with large client portfolios, began to suffer from the increased drop in sales, as a result of the economic crisis experienced by the country. In an attempt to honour their commitments, many ended up in indebted at high interest rates, which pushed debt to unpayable levels. Not knowing they could opt for judicial recovery, some rural producers even sold part of their land to pay off their debts. There is, in this market, still a lot of misinformation about the benefits of judicial reorganisation. Many rural producers are reluctant to ask for help from specialised consultants, as they are tied to old myths, such as that they will no longer get credit after filing for judicial recovery. In practice, the opposite has happened. Many sectors, notably agricultural inputs, have financed companies even after the application for judicial reorganisation has been filed, as this situation provides greater legal certainty and transparency for commercial relations. Agribusiness groups that have benefited from judicial reorganisation include Sementes Talismã, Grupo Zaltron, New Agro, Grupo Badauy D (Batatão), Sementes Aurora, Agroregional, Cotril Group, Zé Amparo, and dozens of others. By opting for judicial recovery, they were able to resume their business, pay their employees and maintain their assets, which are their main source of cash generation. Company: DASA Advogados Contact: Carlos Deneszczuk Email: dasa@dasa.adv.br Website: dasa.adv.br Leading Judicial Recovery and Reorganization Lawyer of the Year, Brazil