2021 Influential Businesswoman Awards

Acquisition International - Influential Businesswoman Awards 2021 Best Wellbeing Solutions Founder 2021: Tessa Marchington years. “The roles and projects I take on are to further this mission and I will continue to focus on helping young people in the arts have consistent work, find opportunities to develop and have a supportive network of other musicians who they can reach.” Recently, Tessa was awarded the prestigious accolade of Best Wellbeing Solutions Founder 2021 in the Influential Businesswoman Awards 2021, something which she is understandably proud of. “This felt like a big achievement, especially being in the creative industries and facing the financial struggles we have. “Bringing together the business and arts community will open up new ways of making the arts a more sustainable career to enter into. My clients have supported projects I have presented to them over the years and made things possible financially which otherwise wouldn’t be. This intersect of culture, business and music is what I continue to evolve and focus my efforts on catalysing.” Contact: Tessa Marchington Company: Music in Offices Web Address: www.tessamarchington.com / www.musicinoffices.com