Legal Awards 2020

44 Acquisition International - Legal Awards 2020 ince 1998, the team at Rozzi & Consulmarchi have been offering companies and individuals expert knowledge of IP law, and legal affairs. This specialist consulting firm operates across Europe and beyond with special focus to China territory, allowing clients to filing trademarks, patents, utility models, design, draft commercial agreements for the commercial use of the Intellectual Property and implement judicial protection measures Rozzi & Consulmarchi has its offices in Pescara, Rome and Milan (Italy) The value of Intellectual Property has risen significantly over the last few years, with businesses discovering not only new ways of generating revenue, but having to find new methods of protection in a rapidly changing marketplace. The team’s work opens the doors for businesses to embrace the possibilities of licensing, franchising, distribution and joint ventures to name but a few. The filing of trademarks, designs and patents is often complex, involving an incredible degree of research to ensure that interests are effectively protected. While based in Italy, the team operates around the world. Their services include the filing not only of Italian trademarks applications, but of European, International and foreign trademarks applications. Rozzi & Consulmarchi offers a worldwide trademarks management portfolio, which means that clients only have to turn to one team S The protection of Intellectual Property has become a highly complex business, crossing borders and media. Law firms that specialise in this area must move quickly to keep up with the changing tide. The team at Rozzi & Consulmarchi lead the way for those in Italy, providing their clients with a service that truly excels. We celebrate the team’s success in this special edition of Acquisition International Best International IP Law Firm - Italy Aug20204 to handle any of their IP law needs. Working in Italian, English and French allows the business to thrive as part of an international economy, applying the appropriate techniques to suit the appropriate country. Of course, providing this integrated service is not an easy task. The team at Rozzi & Consulmarchi have worked tirelessly to ensure that they can operate across borders smoothly and effectively. The business has partnered with various professional firms located in countries of interest. This means that clients can not only benefit from an immensely talented pool of legal advice, but also ensure that any legal action takes into account the culture of the country in which they are protecting their interests. With the importance of Intellectual Property only increasing by the day, Rozzi & Consulmarchi has put a great deal of effort into building up a new generation who see its value. The team often run training courses and workshops for clients and schools so that a deeper understanding of the topic can be gained by all. Reaching out in this way is just another sign of the team’s continued success. Rozzi & Consulmarchi has built its name on providing a service that ensures businesses can always get the representation that they require. Intellectual Property is an asset that many have yet to take advantage of effectively, but the team here are determined to help their clients achieve all the goals that will ensure their product is profitable and protected. Company: Rozzi & Consulmarchi Contact: Giuseppe Rozzi Web Address: Of course, providing this integrated service is not an easy task. The team at Rozzi & Consulmarchi have worked tirelessly to ensure that they can operate across borders smoothly and effectively. The business has partnered with various professional firms located in countries of interest.